
weekend projects...

this past weekend i finished two things. not too shabby. the first was finishing that wreath i mentioned before. the hardest part about making my wreath was the yarn. i bought it at a large garage sale and it turns out it was in a large knot. so toni and i both took LOTS of time to untangle it. and then this weekend i made some felt flowers.

total cost: about $3. the yarn was 50 cents; the felt was 5 pieces for $1 and the wreath "form" was $1, its actually some sort of plumbing piece from home depot. yes its not very thanksgiving-y or christmas-y or even winter-y but i like it. and thats what matters. who knows maybe ill get an "itch" to make one more christmas-y.

and the second thing i did this weekend was read a book. it seems like forever since i have read a book in one sitting. it was so relaxing and i realized i missed that. not worrying about cleaning or the shows on my dvr or the email i havent checked. but just diving into a book and reading...trying to figure out whats going to happen in the story. so im hoping to do more of that this fall/winter. apart from working and holidays and having company of course.