

earlier this year the hubs applied for a grant to do some landscaping/install some rain gardens. and we found out a few weeks ago that he was approved. he was PUMPED. so he started immediately. and he is focused. very very very focused. which is a good thing (or so i keep telling myself) he enjoys doing landscaping, being outdoors and is having fun with this. (something i have to keep telling myself too)

now when i say focused i mean FOCUSED. he works during the day. comes home, quick eats supper and changes and then is busy outside until 8:30 or 9. but wait kelsey, we have had some rainy days recently you are thinking...yes well not even that stops this guy.  heres a (blurry-sorry) picture of him saturday, after the rain (ie everything is mud) taking a quick meal break. dont even get me started on washing all these clothes either.

here are some before/in progress pictures of his hard work:

our backyard

in between the house and the garage

rain garden #1 plus extra rock & top soil stuff and some much on the right

our side yard

view from the driveway

view from our front yard onto the area where some bushes/plants will be

rain garden #2, front of the house
 so there you have it. what the hubs has been doing lately. if you are coming to visit, please excuse the mess both outside and inside. with the hubs busy outside that leaves me to handle the inside. not as easy as one would think. between growing a baby and working i havent had much ambition to do much else. oh well. it will all get done. eventually.