
random ramblings...

random baby ramblings.
baby names. here is just a sampling of the names suggested by friends and family.
Ryker Lee
Boomer Ray
in other news. check out this cute little onesie my mom and i couldnt pass up.

diaper loading...please wait...
some of you might have seen this on facebook but seriously. i want to know how long this version of the birthday cake flavored oreo has been out. im surprised i have never seen it before. verdict: good. however, not quite as good as the regular birthday cake flavored oreos. which by the way i cant seem to find lately...ugh. sad day.

also, is it odd that i enjoy watching baby shows on tv? and am not freaked out by it? (at least not yet) if anything i just think, "man i would never do that" ie home birth in a tub. let alone have it televised. but to each their own right? right. its just not for me. definitely not for me.

check out the latest pic of our little baby dot at 28 weeks, 5 days:

i was going to tell you that so far so good in respect to strangers coming up to me and asking about the baby or touching my stomach. however not the case. two random people have touched my stomach, both patients. one a somewhat creepy old guy and the other a cute old lady. but whatever. but asking about the baby, yah a random pharmacist at target decided he wanted to know all about the baby. um ok. but no. heres to hoping thats the end of it. but i have a feeling it wont be.

and since we dont have too many pictures of the three of us...heres the start of our collection. please excuse the fact that im sure ill be wearing one of about 6 outfits. dont say i never warned you.