
tiny bathroom remodel

i dont think im quite in the nesting phase everyone talks about buuuuuut we did make a minor adjustment to our upstairs bathroom. one that cost about $20. but actually we have leftovers so really less than that. (also dont you just loooove the country heart border?)

so heres the before. see way back there...the window. yah. covered in some old blue fabric. i had completely forgotten how much light is let in when you open those curtains. im even surprised at how light & bright this picture is. anyways...with the number of times ive been needing to use this space these past 6 months...it woulda been a hassle to open & close those every time...

so after 6 months i became a genius! (a genius who actually spelled genius wrong the first time she typed it...) lets frost the windows. (frost...anyone else think of how to lose a guy in 10 days or was it just me? but anyways...) easy peasy. so i secretly went to buy everyone on one of my days off and politely asked the hubs if he would do me a favor that night. here it is half way done. mind you this wasnt a sunny day & it was evening...but still...

we do have both sides frosted. someone just forgot to take an after pictures. whoops. but you get the idea. not a big change. or an expensive one. but its a nice change of pace. since it will be awhile until we save up enough moolah to really remodel this blue eye sore.