
our wii-kend, part 2

our weekend wasnt all about dressers and soft shell tacos. we also got a chance to participate in some sporting events. crazy i know, my family in sporting events. or should i just say me in sporting events?!?! we each tried our turn at some bowling, tennis, golf and baseball. on the wii of course. lets not get too carried away, i mean im playing for two these days...

kyle & the hubs were the best at bowling. but kyle told us he used to play this back in cali so hes had a bit of practice. and everyone had their own bowling style. let me just show you...

i think the hubs was by far the best. he literally just stood there and flicked his wrist up. no lunging (like my mom) or even a step or two. and then came tennis. which was surprisingly more difficult than you think. unless you are serving. typically this is what would happen, player one serves and player two cant hit it back. but on the off chance it did get hit back, the server would also have a difficult time returning the ball a second time. 

and then there was baseball. ill be honest, this was also really difficult. at least batting was. pitching, easy enough. but batting. i think one time though my mom ended up getting a grand slam. i think.

and what wii-kend wouldnt be complete without watching ernest goes to camp, moonshiners and some wheelchair wheelies?!?