
b + e's wedding...

this past weekend we headed back to wi for a wedding. the groom is one of the hubs' friends since...pretty much forever. the bride & groom were two of the first friends the hubs introduced me to when we started dating. so its been fun getting to know them and seeing them tie the knot.

it had been a long time since id been back to wi (the hubs had been back pretty much every weekend earlier in the summer for bachelor parties) but it was good to be back and i had forgotten how funny the hubs' friends are. in between the wedding and reception we stopped for pictures and then at main exchange for some nachos :) and maybe a little something else

the reception was a lot of fun. they had 5 different flavors of cake (3 of which i taste tested--amazing!) and a photobooth with some pretty awesome props. take for example jake, a groomsmen.

i love going to weddings. the weddings we have went to since our own wedding, have always been a good reminder. to look back and remember our wedding, why we love each other and to celebrate with our friends in the beginning of their marriage. (sorry to get so sappy) but still. and i love going to weddings because i love to dance. and since meeting the hubs ive taken up polka dancing. so i always look forward to dancing with friends and polka-ing with my hubs.

i couldnt leave you without a picture of the beautiful bride now could i?