
consider a cake...

seriously. you should consider a cake. or cupcakes. especially from consider a cake.

all that reminiscing about our wedding last year got me craving some more of those delicious cupcakes. after a long internal debate on which flavor to get i settled on snickerdoodle. and after the hubs agreed i went to place an order with megan.

but first i checked out her new website. go ahead, click here. i dare you. and then check out the gallery of pictures. megan can make any sort of design. and its always better than you could have imagined. because shes awesome.

so finally it was time for us to get those cupcakes. as soon as i opened the box i did not want to eat them. why? because they smelled soooo delicious. i honestly was tempted to just keep the cupcakes in the box and open it every now and again to smell them. and then i came back to reality and ate em. after taking a picture of course.

can you say delicious? cuz i can.  honestly, i could have easily eaten about 5 in one sitting. no joke. so in order to not eat them all, we sent some to the hubs work to share. and we decided to freeze some. hopefully these will last longer than the ones last year. but for some reason i doubt it. oh well, guess we'll just have to order some more later. 

seriously, this girl rocks. you should definitely consider a cake.  you wont regret it. promise.