
more from wi...

like i mentioned before we were able to spend some quality time with the family. first take emma. she is the cutest thing. since her brother of course. she is always smiling and has even started 'talking'. i cant believe shes already so big! and she is always the best dressed.

the hubs also helped his parents with their new ipad. and he fell in love with a little game you probably havent heard of...angry birds...

we spent labor day at his grandparents house and got to see a bunch of extended family too. like grace. you might not recognize her...the last time she made an appearance on the blog was as our flower girl. her favorite part about school is recess :)

have i mentioned before how much i love seeing these people? and spending time with them? cuz i do. im feeling very blessed to have been able to join such a kind, generous and loving family. ones who have welcomed me in with loving arms and delicious desserts :)