
guest room

ive been slowly working on making some updates to our guest room downstairs. now this is the room that had a lovely bird border on it. it started out as a slower project just a bit here and there when i had some down time, no real rush to get it done. buuuuuuuuut now that its september and we have actual guests coming in october...theres a bit of a rush. to at least get it liveable. (it currently has no door)

before it started out as a yellowish upper wall with a light brown on the "bead board" i know its not actually bead board but im blanking on what its actually called right now.

so what color/colors do you think i chose? something that im sure will surprise you. except probably not. have you seen a grey & white combo before? cuz thats what was picked for down here. not the same darker grey from our master, this is a lighter grey called silver sateen from behr. what can i say, i like grey.

thankfully our seamstress was still on summer vacation and was able to sew some curtains and thanks to some back to school sales i was able to also get some bedding on sale.

now im just waiting for someone to hang some shelves. and i gotta buy some paint to finish the door. that way it will be liveable. and im currently working on some art work too. but lets be honest, thats another post :)