
farmers market

so septembers resolution: farmers market & make a meal. check.

so heres the scoop. we hit up the st paul farmers market in august. and bought eggplant. because some coworkers of mine were talking about it and i had never cooked with it. so we bought some eggplant and made eggplant parmesan. except i forgot to take pictures. whoops! it wasnt too bad. not sure if id go out of my way to go buy some & make it again but who knows. did you know that eggplant seeds can be bitter because they contain nicotinoid alkaloids, which is a relative of tobacco? yah, me neither. until i looked it up on wikipedia

so in order to make up for forgetting to take pictures, we hit up our local farmers market instead this weekend. its a lot smaller but a lot closer than the st paul one. so we picked up some zucchini & green beans.

i wanted to make chocolate zucchini bread and the hubs wanted to try baked zucchini. and well we have no creative ideas or recipes for the green beans. so i wont talk about them.

i havent made too many different breads before. so i was a bit nervous. but id vote this one a success. it smelled sooooo good baking in the oven. and tasted pretty good too.

did you know that according to wikipedia, zucchini has folate, potassium, vitamin A & maganese? but more interesting is the fact that "its an immature fruit, being the swollen ovary of the female zucchini flower"? yah me neither. arent you glad this blog is now also educational?!?! <side note: so i was pretty impressed with that fact & went to tell the hubs you know...to impress him. he said thats pretty common and the same is true for apples and oranges. dang. looks like i should paid a bit more attention in some science class...whoops!>

so the hubs decided to make some baked zucchini fries. they werent too shabby.

we also couldnt leave the farmers market without some fresh flowers. fingers crossed my allergies dont get worse.