
this ones for andrew...

our weekend in wi didnt just consist of a wedding. we were also able to hang out with family. the hubs' family loves to play games. i mean loves it. but this weekend my brother-in-law was really into playing games. so much so that he made a statement along the lines of 'girls dont win" dah! so after the hubs and i beat him and his dad in sequence, we next played sheephead.

now i havent played sheephead in over a year. and even when i was playing, i didnt really every fully understand or remember the game/all the rules. so as the hand was dealt it turned out that me and shannon (the only girls playing) ended up being teammates. (because she picked and i had the jack of diamonds...at least thats why i think we were...) anyways...i just wanted the game to be over so i was just throwin down whatever card i could.

so whats the point of this post you are askin!?!? well let me just show you who won. FAIR AND SQUARE.

yup, the girls won! wahoo! (ps have i ever mentioned how much i am so thankful/admire/always love hanging out with this girl? but that might be a whole nother post)

and to make matters EVEN better...andrew wanted to play some more games the next day. lets just say that the girls won. but some other guys won too. BUT andrew didnt. here a pic to prove it.